If you want to have dynamic images on your internet site, the server where you host it ought to have the appropriate software for this. Instead of using static images with a fixed size, you can have thumbnails and automatically resized images dependant upon the device a website visitor uses or you could even flip and invert images through a script app. All these things are possible with ImageMagick and GD library - 2 pieces of software that can be set up on a server and that work with a great number of widely used scripting languages like: Perl, Python and PHP. That way, you can use images with any web-based app you'd like, no matter what language it was created with - a custom-made Perl script or a PHP one. The two libraries will permit you to work with over a hundred different image formats such as GIF, PNG, TIFF, JPEG, etcetera.

ImageMagick and GD Library in Shared Hosting

All of the Linux shared hosting that we provide are created on our advanced cloud platform and since both GD Library and ImageMagick are installed on it, your script applications will be able to use these software suites any time. The libraries are accessible with all of the PHP versions that we supply as we support PHP 4 and a few different versions of PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8. Regardless if you work with a custom script, one of the applications which you will be able to install from the Hepsia Control Panel or some third-party application that you find online, you will be able to build feature-rich interactive sites, such as image galleries or socially-oriented portals where both you and the visitors will be able to work with graphs and / or images in real time provided that the script has such functionality.

ImageMagick and GD Library in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Both ImageMagick and GD Library are available on the cloud hosting platform where your brand new semi-dedicated server account shall be set up, therefore you'll be able to employ all of the attributes of any script application which needs any of these two libraries so as to manage images, like Joomla, WordPress, image galleries, user discussion forums, and so on. In case you are a web developer, you can write the program code yourself because we also support a number of programming languages PHP and Python are among them. To offer you even more options with regards to what sort of apps you are able to run, we support a variety of PHP versions - 4, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2. GD and ImageMagick are enabled for each of them, which means that the software environment on the servers won't limit your choice in terms of the types of sites which you can host.